Disclaimer: [THIS IS A DEMO WEBSITE] We are not associated to any of the companies or vendors as mentioned in this blog site. All the materials of the specific company and its related products information are obtained and compiled from the Internet and/or social media, and are copyrighted materials belonged exclusively to the respective vendors.
Time and Frequency
We all know about Time is precious. Frequency is the inverse of time (f = 1/t, 1 Hz = 1/1 sec). Both parameters are correlated. Anyone who have studied communication would understand the time domain versus frequency domain, and its relationship.
What is Netsync
Netsync stands for Network Synchronization. Netsync is referred to both Frequency Synchronization and Time Synchronization. Netsync is the heartbeat to a modern digital communication network, such as your Internet, 3G/4G/5G mobile cellular network, enterprise IP network, SDH/all-IP backhaul transmission network. In fact, this heartbeat is everywhere.
How important is netsync to a digital network?
This is like you are asking a question on how important is your heartbeat to your body and your health? When your heartbeat stops, you will die. When your heartbeat is not beating regularly at the right frequency, sometime too fast, sometime too slow, or a sudden heart attack (we call it a phase jump in Netsync), what will happen to your health or what warning your body is giving to you? It is exactly the same kind of questions you would ask to a Netsync expert - how important is Netsync to a digital network.
Netsync is very specialized
Netsync is indeed a very specialized field of communication technology. Not many datacom engineers, network engineers or computer professionals are familiar with the concept and applications, let alone the technologies, products and measurement aspects. However, it is a very important subject as our communication is moving towards higher and higher speed - from Mega- to Tera- bits per second, in terms of second (period, 1 over frequency), we are talking about nanosecond or picosecond of variation! A timing difference or variation of a few nanoseconds can make the world turned upside down.
So What This Website For
This website is created by the webmaster for the purpose of sharing and as a collection point for all-things related to Netsync. Hope this website can serve as a table of contents (TOC) or a window to connect those who are interested to find out more about this topic out of the sea of data in the Internet. We make it simple for you.
What We have For You
All-things related to Netsync - technologies, standards, marketplace and vendors, products & services, test & measurement aspect, news, articles and resources that you can find it here and download at ease. Of course, your feedback and sharing would make it better.

Basic Concept on Synchronization
The Need for Synchronization, Synchronization Architecture, Synchronization Performance, Introduction to Synchronization Planning

Synchronizing SDH/SONET Network
SDH/SONET Transmission Basics, Performance & Pointer Adjustments, Effect on DS3/DS1/E1 Payload, Synch Planning for SDH/SONET

Fundamentals of Sync Planning
Synchronization Planning Concepts, Synchronization Planning Requirements, Sync Planning for Carrier Networks, Sync Planning for Private Networks

Net Sync Components
Atomic Clock, Cesium, Clock Source, Frequency Switching Circuit, Oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCX), Phase Comparator, Phase Locked Loop (PLL), Quartz Oscillator, Rubidium